Detailed Program
8:30 | Usman Raza Toshiba Research Europe Limited, UK |
Opening |
8:40 | Níbia Souza Bezerra (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden), Christer Åhlund (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden), Saguna Saguna (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden), Vicente A. de Sousa Jr. (GPPCOM, Brazil) |
Propagation Model Evaluation for LoRaWAN: Planning Tool Versus Real Case Scenario |
9:05 | Najem Naji (Ibn-Tofail University, Morocco), Mohamed Riduan Abid (Al Akhawayn University, Morocco), Nissrine Krami (ENSA K, Morocco), Driss Benhaddou (University of Houston, USA) |
An Energy-Aware Wireless Sensor Network for Data Acquisition in Smart Energy Efficient Building |
9:30 | Keith Nolan Centre for Intelligent Power, Eaton, Dublin, Ireland |
Keynote Edge Intelligence for IoT & Emerging Trends |
10:10 | Khaled Q. Abdelfadeel (CIT, Ireland), Eduardo de Lima (Eldorado Research Institute, Brazil), Bart Moons (IDLAB, Ghent University, Belgium), Dimitrios Zorbas (Tyndall National Institute, Ireland) |
Panel Discussion |

Edge Intelligence for IoT & Emerging Trends
Keith Nolan, Principal Engineer, Centre for Intelligent Power, Eaton, Dublin, Ireland
The Internet of Things concept is evolving. Computation and intelligence are moving between the cloud right to the very edges of a network. Acting on data where and when they are produced enables faster decision making and control. Connecting assets helps make machines more intelligent and aware of their environment. This talk will discuss the increasing range of wireless and wired communications and networking technologies used to connect assets ranging from low-power wide area (LPWA) to high-reliability wireless LAN and time-sensitive networking. Emerging trends including a massive increase in variety and volumes of devices and data, and an increased focus on revenue generation & cost optimisation will also be addressed. Sensing is becoming increasingly multimodal and media-driven. Real-time insights are required to support decision-control loops that operate in microsecond to millisecond timescales for mission-critical industrial control and processing. Edge intelligence and low-latency quality of service will support the next generation of immersive user experiences. Dr. Nolan will also discuss how moving computation to the edge helps to increase data privacy & security for user/enterprise and diverse geographies.
Short bio
Keith Nolan holds the position of Principal Engineer at the Centre for Intelligent Power, Eaton, Dublin, where he is responsible for Internet of Things (IoT) platforms and intelligent machines. Nolan has 19 years’ experience in industry and academia, designing and delivering revenue-generating technology products and solutions for an intelligent technology future. His expertise covers multi-standard wireless/wired communications and networking with extensive low-power wide area technology experience, cognitive systems, intelligent internet of things platforms, vehicular-to-everything technologies, data science, and machine learning. Keith Nolan has more than 50+ patents pending/granted and has authored over 60 peer-reviewed academic research publications.
Prior to joining Eaton, Nolan held the role of key engineer at Intel Labs where he was responsible for new IoT-related products and reference platforms. He has served as Chief Regulatory Officer and member of the Board of Directors of the Wireless Innovation Forum, in addition to holding working group chairperson roles on European research initiatives. He is regularly invited as a keynote speaker, technical presenter, or panel participant at leading conferences and industry fora events. Nolan studied at University of Dublin, Trinity College where he received B.A., B.A.I, and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Engineering.
List of accepted papers
Propagation Model Evaluation for LoRaWAN: Planning Tool Versus Real Case Scenario
Níbia Souza Bezerra [1], Christer Åhlund [1], Saguna Saguna [1], Vicente A. de Sousa Jr. [2]
[1] Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
[2] Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte & Group for Researching and Fast Prototyping Solutions for Communication (GPPCOM), Brazil
An Energy-Aware Wireless Sensor Network for Data Acquisition in Smart Energy Efficient Building
Najem Naji [1], Mohamed Riduan Abid [2], Nissrine Krami [3], Driss Benhaddou [4] [1] Ibn-Tofail University, Morocco
[2] Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
[3] ENSA K, Morocco
[4] University of Houston, USA